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Alameda County

86% of the people in Alameda believe that climate change is happening and 77% of Alamedans think community members can do more.*

Alameda County

Alameda at a glance

What can YOU do? We're glad you asked!

Alameda can make a world of difference because we can all do something. 


APEN has been organizing frontline Asian American immigrant and refugee communities, fighting the state's biggest polluters. APEN started in the East Bay, where thousands of displaced refugees had settled. Their new neighborhoods were surrounded by over 350 polluting toxic sites, contributing to the highest rates of asthma and cancer in the county. APEN brought young people and elders together to take on the world’s biggest polluters so communities can breathe clean air and build the healthy neighborhoods everyone deserves. APEN advocates for a Green New Deal.

What inspires you? Discover your solutions here:

Actions You Can Take Right Now

Click on any of these images to take the first step, and then the next 

Woman biking past lane of cars


Smiling worker in front of solar panels


Woman holding produce in field


What can you do? 

See what's happening in your community:

Find businesses, non-profit organizations, and city & county climate action departments and agencies, all doing something to be part of the solution -

then reach out and connect!

take the survey!



Community Actions

It's always easier - and more fun - to take actions with others

Green hands with leaves

W. Oakland Env. Indicators Project

local, advocacy, energy & buildings

The West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project is a resident led, community-based environmental justice organization dedicated to achieving healthy homes, healthy jobs and healthy neighborhoods for all who live, work, learn and play in West Oakland, California.

Green hands with leaves

Sunrise Bay Area


This is one of the Sunrise Movements +270 hubs all around the United States. A movement of young people mobilizing to combat climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.

Green hands with leaves

Sunflower Alliance

local, advocacy, energy & buildings

The Sunflower Alliance fights for environmental justice, indigenous people’s rights, and basic health and safety of East Bay communities threatened by the fossil fuel industry, as well as reduce pollution from and clean-up of past contamination caused by fossil fuel industries.

Green hands with leaves

Berkeley Climate Action Coaltion

local, education, food & food waste, energy & buildings

Inspiring and building a sustainable, healthy, and just future for the East Bay, California, and beyond.

Green hands with leaves

Local Clean Energy Alliance

local, advocacy, energy & buildings

The mission of the Local Clean Energy Alliance is to promote the development and democratization of local renewable energy resources as key to addressing climate change, advancing social and racial justice, and building sustainable and resilient communities.

Green hands with leaves

Youth Vs. Apocalypse

local, advocacy, education, lifestyle

Youth Vs. Apocalypse is a diverse network of young climate justice activists working together to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color, and fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world.

Green hands with leaves

Sierra Club- SF Bay Area

advocacy, lifestyle

Our mission is to protect the Bay Area's environment. To promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources. To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Green hands with leaves

Berkeley Neighbors for Housing & Climate

local, advocacy, energy & buildings, transportation

BNHCA is dedicated to supporting climate and housing action in Berkeley!

Green hands with leaves

Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda

local, education, energy & buildings, transportation

CASA is a community-wide coalition dedicated to raising awareness, mobilizing community action, and facilitating the implementation of programs to achieve the goal of Alameda’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan and to increase community sustainability and well-being.

Green hands with leaves

Transition Berkeley

local, food & food waste

Transition Berkeley brings neighbors and community members together to build a more equitable, regenerative, self-reliant future. We envision a strong, diverse local economy, with greatly reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and a healthy, cooperative, rewarding community life.

Green hands with leaves

Communities for a Better Environment

local, advocacy, food & food waste, energy & buildings

The mission of CBE is to build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments.

Green hands with leaves

No Coal in Oakland

local, advocacy, education, lifestyle, energy & buildings

No Coal in Oakland is a grassroots organization campaigning to stop the threat of coal being transported by rail into Oakland for export overseas.

Strategic Businesses

Find businesses near you that are Certified Green

California Green Business Network Alameda County logo

Local businesses that are doing the right thing would certainly appreciate your support. Find one near you!


Are you interested in becoming a Green Business? 

The Alameda County Green Business Program helps businesses follow best practices for energy and water conservation, waste management, and more. Hundreds of Alameda County businesses and public agencies have been certified as green businesses. Becoming a green business and letting your customers know translates directly to the bottom line. Customers prefer doing business with companies who protect the environment.

Engaged Governments 

Local governments can make all the difference - learn what yours is doing


Alameda County's Sustainability Team has a clear vision for how to make Alameda County one of the best places in the country to live, work, and do business. Environment/sustainability is an integral part of that vision. The actions they take provide many benefits to our communities, including saving taxpayer dollars, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving energy, saving water, reducing waste, and preserving resources for current and future generations. 

Explore countywide sustainability resources, or find your local government below.

County of Alameda seal


Town crest


Public Works- Sustainability Division
Town crest


Citywide Projects- Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability in Alameda
Town crest


Operations Services- Environmental Services
Town crest


Town crest

San Leandro

City Manager- Sustainability
Town crest

Union City

Resident- Going Green
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