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City of San Francisco

87% of the people in San Francisco believe that climate change is happening

and 76% of San Franciscans think community members can do more.*

What can YOU do?

We're glad you asked!

San Francisco can make a world of difference.

San Francisco at a glance

* see San Francisco County Climate Opinion Fact Sheet 

  from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

How to Engage Youth In Climate Resilient Education

In this talk, Lil Milagro Henriquez, mother and founder of Mycelium Youth Network, addresses the failure of conventional schooling to practically prepare our younger generations for the realities of climate change. Inspired by a deep love of all things nerdy and her own ancestral traditions, she provides a guide on how adults can support and empower youth to face the future with creativity, courage, and hope.

What inspires you? Discover your solutions here:

Actions You Can take Right Now

Click on any of these images to take the first step, and then the next 



Solar panel technician




take the survey!



What can you do? 

See what's happening in the City:

Find businesses, non-profit organizations, and San Francisco's climate action

departments and agencies, all doing something to be part of the solution -

then reach out and connect!

Community Actions

It's always easier - and more fun - to take actions with others

Explore these groups and join those that align with your interests. This will never be a "complete list", so let us know about organizations that should be added: drop us a note at

Green hands with leaves

Brightline Defense Project

local, advocacy, energy & buildings

We promote sustainability and opportunity in under-served communities through policy advocacy and partnerships. We protect and empower communities in need by advancing environmental justice, ensuring job creation, and advocating for affordable and sustainable housing.

Green hands with leaves

Sunrise Movement - Bay Area Hub

local, advocacy

This is one of the Sunrise Movements +270 hubs all around the United States. A movement of young people mobilizing to combat climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.

Green hands with leaves

Save the Bay

local, advocacy, education

Our mission is to protect and restore San Francisco Bay for people and wildlife.

Green hands with leaves

Greenaction for Health and Env. Justice

local, advocacy

We mobilize community power to win victories that change government and corporate policies and practices to protect health and to promote environmental, social, economic and climate justice.

Green hands with leaves

SF Unitarian Universalist Church- Green Committee

local, advocacy, lifestyle

Green Sanctuary provides structure, leadership, and support for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious environmental and climate justice movement

Green hands with leaves

SF Bicycle Coalition

local, advocacy, lifestyle, transportation

The SF Bicycle Coalition has been transforming streets and neighborhoods into more livable and safe places by promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation.

Green hands with leaves


food & food waste, energy & buildings, transportation

SF Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association brings people together from across the political spectrum to develop solutions to the big problems cities face. We are a leading civic planning organization and respected for our independent and holistic approach to urban issues.

Green hands with leaves

Extinction Rebellion - SF Bay Chapter

local, advocacy

To prevent climate disaster, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area brings the Rebellion home to the financial institutions, politicians, corporations and individuals in the Bay Area that need to wake up and change in time to prevent Climate Disaster.

Green hands with leaves

SF Conservation Corps

local, education

The San Francisco Conservation Corps motivates and connects youth with inspiring work, quality education, and a better future.

Engaged Government

Local government can make all the difference - learn what San Francisco is doing


The City and County of San Francisco is committed to innovation, leadership, and collaboration in creating environmental change. 


The San Francisco Department of the Environment advances climate protection and enhances quality of life for all San Franciscans. They are recognized worldwide for environmental policies and programs, which center on achieving zero waste, reducing toxic chemical hazards, advancing environmental justice, promoting low-carbon transportation modes, expanding clean energy infrastructure, greening our built environment and protecting our urban forest. 


San Francisco has additional climate and environment initiatives throughout their departments, commissions, and agencies. Explore below! 




SF Department of Environment


Our innovative policies and programs help San Franciscans use energy wisely, while saving money and reducing environmental impacts.


Clean Power SF


If you are a business owner or rent commercial space, we can help you reach your sustainability goals.


Clean Power SF


If you are a San Francisco homeowner or renter, check out our rates, ways to lower your bill, and more.


SF Water Power Sewer- SF Public Utilities Commission

Clean Energy

If you are a San Francisco homeowner or renter, check out our rates, ways to lower your bill, and more.


SF Department of Environment

Green Building Basics

Home to many of the world's leaders in the design, construction, and operation of sustainable buildings, San Franciscans are planning, building, and preserving our built environment to balance present needs, future resources, and the history and culture of our past.


SF Department of the Enviroment

Green Building Incentives

In order to achieve sustainable building standards and lower the cost of building green, the City of San Francisco provides incentives and services to a variety of projects.


Clean Power SF

Solar & Energy Storage

There are several solar programs available to CleanPowerSF customers. Discover incentives for business and residential customers installing new, qualifying equipment for generating and storing energy.




Electric Mobility

The vision for electric mobility projects is simple— help to advance San Francisco's vision of diverse and thriving neighborhoods seamlessly connected by safe, reliable, affordable transportation for all.


SF Department of Environment

Clean Transportation

Sustainable commuting programs aim to provide residents with effective alternatives to driving to work alone. Cleaner fuels and vehicles help reduce our dependency on and depletion of non-renewable resources like petroleum as well as improve air quality and stimulate the economy.


Clean Power SF

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles have no tailpipe emissions, which means cleaner air for you and your community. Oh, and no more oil changes either. Learn about EV rebate programs here.



Transit Strategy

We are rebuilding San Francisco’s transit system to provide better and more effective transportation for all. The Transit Strategy describes the major capital projects and programs that will help our city’s transit system meet the existing and future travel needs.


SF County Transportation Authority

Climate Action

The Transportation Authority is committed to helping San Francisco reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Replacing car travel with more sustainable modes will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a healthier environment.


SF Planning

Transportation Sustainability Program

Transportation planning plays a critical role in ensuring an effective, equitable and sustainable transportation system for the future of the region.



SF Department of Environment

Food Waste

Shopping locally, storing food to last, and knowing when food is safe or spoiled are keys to preventing food waste, and food waste is a big deal. Here are some tips to keep food alive, save you money, and prevent food waste.


SF Department of Environment

Food Gardens

Start a food garden, join a community garden near you, or tend bees in San Francisco.


SF Recreation & Parks

Urban Agriculture Program

The citywide Urban Agriculture Program is an interagency program that supports and supplies the infrastructure for community members to steward our urban green spaces, on both public and private land.


SF Marin Food Bank

Food Bank

Our mission is to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin.




Find out how to properly dispose of your items here. We accept all food scraps, soiled paper, and plants in the green composting cart.



Zero Waste

Waste zero is more than just a goal for the communities in which we work – it’s a goal for ourselves; especially in how we work and with whom we partner. Recology has taken significant measures as a company to work toward waste zero.


SF Water Power Sewer- SF Public Utilities Commission


Learn how our Biosolids program recycles nutrients from wastewater into a high quality fertilizer that helps reduce water use, pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, and improves California’s farm soils.

But Wait... THERE'S MORE!



SF Office of Resilience & Capital Planning

Climate SF

ClimateSF is a comprehensive, multi-agency effort to guide San Francisco’s climate resilience effort


SF Department of Environment

Education and Equity

SF Environment embraces the concept of environmental justice, the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people in environmental decision-making. We provide free, award-winning programs and curriculum to all PK-12 public and private schools in San Francisco.


SF Planning

Climate Action Plan

The 2021 CAP charts a pathway to achieve net-zero GHG emissions and works toward addressing racial and social equity, public health, economic recovery, resilience, and providing safe and affordable housing to all


SF Department of Public Health

Health Impacts

Climate change impacts a wide-range of health outcomes. This page illustrates the most salient climate change impacts, their effect on exposures, and the subsequent health outcomes that result from these changes in exposures



Sustainability Office

The SFUSD Sustainability Office fosters health and academic achievement, conserves natural and financial resources, and promotes a culture of sustainability and a brighter future for our students.

Strategic Businesses

Find businesses near you that are Certified Green

California Green Business Network San Francisco logo

Local businesses that are doing the right thing would certainly appreciate your support. Find one near you!


Are you interested in becoming a Green Business? 

The San Francisco Green Business Program is a free one-stop shop for all the sustainability resources the City and County of San Francisco has to offer. The program offers 3 levels of recognition: Efficiency, Certified, and Innovator to help businesses take the next step on their sustainability journey no matter where it begins. 

Business Council on Climate Change

BC3 is a San Francisco-based nonprofit, a partnership of business sustainability leaders dedicated to incubating, scaling, and sharing tangible climate solutions for the business community. BC3 works closely with the City of San Francisco, and serves as a platform to share collaborative multi-sector solutions that address climate change.

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