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“Everyday Climate Champions” Episode 10: Climate, Food, & Justice: Farm to School Cafeteria in Watsonville, CA
Climate Reality Bay Area
In this episode, we learn about how three inspiring young people work on both climate justice and local food systems issues in their community.
food & food waste, high school, school boards & administrators, students
“Everyday Climate Champions” Episode 5: Youth Taking Climate Action in Silicon Valley
Climate Reality Bay Area
Guest Peri Plantenberg explains how Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action empowers teens and young adults to combat climate change through impactful education and policy initiatives.
college & university, high school, students
Case Studies
AASHE Campus Sustainability Hub
AASHE’s case study library contains hundreds of detailed case studies on a wide variety of higher education sustainability initiatives from faculty development programs to whole campus energy retrofits to community partnerships.
college & university, energy & buildings
Center for Green Schools
We make the case for green schools, by digging into the most pressing topics facing schools as they deepen their work to become greener to give policymakers and school leaders what they need to make smart decisions for greener schools.
middle school, high school, elementary school, teachers, parents & guardians, students, school boards & administrators, energy & buildings
“Everyday Climate Champions” Episode 8: “Climate Conversations with Kids & Adults”
Climate Reality Bay Area
While we know that talking about the climate crisis can lead to action, it can be a tough topic to bring up with family and friends. Learn how to have fun, meaningful climate conversations with the children and adults in your life.
elementary school, middle school, parents & guardians, students, school boards & administrators, teachers
Go Fossil Free
Go Fossil Free
City by city, town by town, we’re ending the age of fossil fuels and building a world of community-led renewable energy for all.
middle school, high school, elementary school, college & university, teachers, parents & guardians, students, school boards & administrators, divestment
“Everyday Climate Champions” Episode 7: “Innovation and Equity in the Climate Movement”
Climate Reality Bay Area
Featured guest Aditi Anand, a high school student and climate activist, discusses becoming an activist and advocating for social justice in the climate movement.
high school, college & university, students
Climate Change Curriculum for Middle School Educators
Acterra’s You(th) Be the Change Program (YBtC) provides educators with free climate change curriculum (available in English and Spanish), in-class experiences, and field trips for middle school students to learn about climate science and solutions both globally and locally — and take action!
middle school, teachers
Inside the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement at Cal State
Cal Matters
After nine months of student advocacy, Cal State University officials announced they would pull $162 million in investments from the fossil fuel industry, joining a growing movement.
college & university, divestment, students, teachers