Who we are
Our Team & Advisors
Leslie Alden
Co-Founder and Chief Instigator
Executive Director
Pictured above:
Denise Donaldson, Leslie Alden, and Mike Robinson
Marketing Consultant
Research Associate
we gratefully acknowledge our generous and dedicated volunteers
without whom we would never have gotten this far and, in particular to Catchafire, through sponsorship by the Marin Community Foundation
and a special "THANK YOU" to all of our
Herb Behrstock, United Nations Association
Patty Cook, Senior VP, ICF International
Carleen Cullen, CEO, Drive Clean Bay Area
Cyane Dandridge, CEO, Strategic Energy Innovations
Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic
Maura Fallon-McKnight, ED, Business Council on Climate Change
Kate Gordon, Snr. Advisor to Energy Secretary J. Granholm, Dept. of Energy
Ann Hancock, Founder & Chief Strategist, The Climate Center
Paul Hawken, Founder, Project Drawdown, and Regeneration
David Johnson, AIA, NCARB, VP, AGI Avant Group
Cynthia Koehler, JD, Executive Director, WaterNow
Kirsten Liske, VP, Community Programs, Ecology Action
Shawn Marshall, CEO, Peninsula Clean Energy
Nils Moe, Executive Director, Urban Sustainability Directors Network
Laura Neish, Executive Director, 350BayArea
Debbie Raphael, Director (ret.), SF Department of the Environment
Suzanne Reed, The Collaboration Connection
Bruce Riordan, Director, Climate Readiness Institute, UC Berkeley
Bill Weihl, Founder & Executive Director, Climate Voice
Mark Westwind, The Praxis Group
Greg Thomson, Green Solutions & Technology
Lauren Wylie, Sustainability Director, Oliver Wyman
Abby Young, Principal Environmental Planner, BAAQMD
Our partners
Our partners' vision and dedication make a world of difference - check them out!
Our current & past sponsors
Their ongoing support and generosity make our work possible.