78% of the people in Sonoma believe that climate change is happening and 68% of Sonomans think community members can do more.*
* see Sonoma County Climate Opinion Fact Sheet from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Sonoma at a glance
What can YOU do?
We're glad you asked!
Sonoma can make a world of difference
because we can all do something!
What inspires you? Discover your solutions here:
Actions You Can Take Now
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What can you do?
See what's happening in your community:
Find businesses, non-profit organizations, and city & county climate action departments and agencies, all doing something to be part of the solution -
then reach out and connect!
Community Actions
It's always easier - and more fun - to take actions with others
Explore these groups and join those that align with your interests. This will never be a "complete list", so let us know about organizations that should be added: drop us a note at info@ActNowBayArea.org.
Transportation and Land Use Coalition
local, education
We explain some of the shortcomings of the auto-centric approaches that dominate our lives. We present constructive alternatives that are realistic and economic. We call attention to Sonoma County initiatives that are pointed in the right directions.
Sierra Club - Redwood Chapter, Sonoma Group
local, advocacy, lifestyle, food & food waste
Sierra Club Redwood Chapter is a volunteer-run organization that works to conserve and protect our outdoor spaces as well as foster a meaningful connection to the environment for the community to value and enjoy.
Sonoma County Conservation Council
local, advocacy, transportation
SCCC is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the quality of the environment for the general public in Sonoma County. Objectives shall include the protection of the natural environment, and the dissemination of educational information.
Sustainable North Bay
advocacy, education, energy & buildings
Sustainable North Bay is to be a catalyst to preserve and continue to improve the quality of life in the North Bay region so that all people enjoy happy, healthy and prosperous lives within their fair share of the earth’s resources, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness.
North Bay Organizing Project
local, education, energy & buildings, transportation
NBOP is a grassroots organization in Sonoma County that seeks to build a regional power organization rooted in working class and minority communities in the North Bay: Uniting people to build leadership and grassroots power for social, economic, racial and environmental justice.
Coalition for a Better Sonoma County
local, advocacy, food & food waste
The Coalition for a Better Sonoma County is a PAC that brings together organizations, groups and individuals to work toward a common goal – to ensure that our local government acts for the benefit of all the people, not just for the benefit of big money interests.
Strategic Businesses
Find businesses near you that are Certified Green
Local businesses that are doing the right thing would certainly appreciate your support. Find one near you!
Are you interested in becoming a Green Business?
Sonoma County Green Business Certification is a part of the California Green Business Network, whose mission is to assist businesses to operate sustainably as well as profitably. The Sonoma County Energy and Sustainability Division works with local government agencies to provide assistance to small-to-medium sized businesses who choose to go through the process of becoming “Green”. To be certified, participants must be in compliance with all environmental regulations and meet program standards for saving water, conserving energy, preventing pollution, and minimizing waste.
Engaged Governments
Local governments can make all the difference - learn what yours is doing
The County of Sonoma's Energy and Sustainability Division is responsible for planning, evaluating and administering the County-wide Energy Management and Sustainability Program. Services include:
Long and short range energy and green procurement strategies.
Effective and efficient energy use and sustainability practices.
County employee commute reduction planning.
Energy efficiency and water conservation education, programs and services to all residents and business owners in Sonoma County.
Explore countywide sustainability resources, or find your local government below.